Olivenol Trinaire had a quiz on last week, offering 2 boxes of Olivenol capsules as the prize.. Immediately after receiving their message on my email, I quickly did a search on googles and had them drafted nicely in Words... I was very optimistic and felt confident that my answers were the ones they're looking for! heheheheh... and today, Olivenol Trinaire had announced that the winner is..... ME! yay yay!!!! :victory dance:
so.... if you're wondering what the aswers were.... let me put it down for you....
The answer to olivenol livin' quiz:
1. the active molecule in olivenol livin' begins is olive polyphenols, which includes hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein and other secoiridoids.
2. the source of olivenol livin' is from olive juice extracted from 100% organic olive harvested from a certified organic ranch in California. It is processed within 24-48hrs at a nearby manufacturing facility.
3. the active ingredients in 'olive leave extract' is phytochemical oleuropein; a bitter monoterpene glycoside of the class known as secoiridoids and is also one of the major components found in the polyphenolic portion of olive oil .
4. Olivenol Livin’ is clinically better than “olive leaf extract” because
Unlike olive leaf extracts, Olivenol Livin’ is NOT made from dehydrated or freeze-dried leaves, reconstituted powders or artificially boosted Oleuropein powders. With "olive leave extract", the biophenolic fraction of the olive oil is only 2% of the total phenolic contents of the olive oil with the remaining 98% being lost in olive mill waste. They also make product claims based on very limited scientific evidence. Whereas, Olivenol Livin’ is derived from the pulp of its own certified organic olives. Company founder Dr. Crea has developed a unique proprietary process to recover the olive water that was once lost in processing, to produce an aqueous olive extract with a high percentage of 99% of powerful anti-oxidant hydroxytyrosol, believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants. One of the key points of difference in Olivenol is the extensive range of clinical trials the product has undergone. Olivenol Livin’ was subjected to numerous human clinical trials to verify and prove the efficacy, quality and safety of Olivenol and have shown evidence of a major increase in antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. Renowned research and educational institutions around the world have conducted scientific studies to verify the efficacy of Olivenol (for list of clinical studies done on Olivenol, pls go to: http://www.10binternational.com/content/ view/71/1/). Olivenol Livin' has since been awarded five US patents protection and it is also the ONLY product in the market that is certified with US FDA GRAS safety standards. This safety benchmark is only given to supplements that are considered as "safe as food".
Olivenol Livin’ is the world’s first multi-action olive biophenols-based supplement that contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-ageing and anti-UV damage properties. Due to the high ORAC ( Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ) value in Olivenol Livin’ (which no other “olive leaf extract” company has ever got), the antioxidant compounds display great scavenging activity against cell-damaging free radicals to promote total body wellness. Because it has high bioavailability; its minute molecular size allows it to be quickly absorbed, distributed and metabolized in the body. Thus, Olivenol Livin' releasing many health benefits may effectively assists in speeding up cell renewal, helps to strengthen immunity, improves memory, decreases mental fatigue and helps in neuro-degenerative diseases. Furthermore, Olivenol has also been proven to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. Best of all, Olivenol Livin’ may alleviate problems associated in skin ageing, wound healing and burns. It’s no surprise to know that Olivenol Livin’ has been proven clinically to help people with inflammatory related chronic disorders, and has helped many patients with arthritis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis such as eczema, and other skin related diseases, where main line medical treatment has failed to help.
From my personal experience in using Olivenol Livin’ Begins for my eczema problems, I too experience many positive results such as less itch and less rash. The skin condition has much improved; such that it is not very dry anymore and the serious skin peeling on my forehead has lessen dramatically. For this, I am sure that Olivenol Livin’ will be able to help so many other people in this type of predicament. So, based on the facts presented above, Olivenol Livin’ IS clinically better than olive leaf extract.
Summary: A personal account of an eczema sufferer, battling everyday of her life from this chronic skin condition ... she hopes to share this story with you and maybe... just maybe, to find a cure or at least a relief... to free herself from this painful,intolerable itching and burning pain..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Olivenol... yes, my dear olivenol.... hmmm... yes, I'm still taking them.. but I've reduced to once a day now.. hmmmm is that the reason why I'm having more scratching episode now, because i've reduced the dosage? or maybe I should be taking 1ml twice a day?? damn...! no wonder! guess what... I just realised about this while typing this entry! hahaha.... really getting old now... well...
Ikram's Wedding!!
Hi all...! wow! what a long rest I had after Ikram's wedding... and I have to apologise y'all for not updating my blog for 1 month.. I dont know why... just feeling lazy I think.. photos? yes, there's a lot, and I tried to upload them to here, but I just dont know how... apparently I have to copy them to flicker or picasa first.. is it true?? ok.. that will take me sometime to figure out how to go about doing this, ya... anyway, they're in my facebook.. and you can have a look in there... p/s oops!! I found out the way to upload the pics... but... alamak.. the connection is just too slow la today... so, I'll tomorrow... tungggguuuuu!!!
Well, I was really relieved that the burden of carrying the responsibity of handling and organising a wedding event has been lifted from my shoulder! everything went smoothly, and some even said that the wedding was like Siti Nurhaliza's grand wedding!! yay!! thank god! and you know what?? I think I'm gonna be a granny in 8 months' time!! ahakss!!! I'm planning to tell my grandchildren not to call me nenek or tuk or opah.... instead I'm gonna teach them to call me Wan Mummy! and my hubby, Wan Daddy.... hahahahha.... !!
Well, I was really relieved that the burden of carrying the responsibity of handling and organising a wedding event has been lifted from my shoulder! everything went smoothly, and some even said that the wedding was like Siti Nurhaliza's grand wedding!! yay!! thank god! and you know what?? I think I'm gonna be a granny in 8 months' time!! ahakss!!! I'm planning to tell my grandchildren not to call me nenek or tuk or opah.... instead I'm gonna teach them to call me Wan Mummy! and my hubby, Wan Daddy.... hahahahha.... !!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The 17th day of Eidul Fitri
Today is the 17th day of the Eidul Fitri and I'm feeling very good.. today is also the last drop of Olivenol from the first bottle that I'm taking has finished. yeay!! so far so good... skin is so smooth on my face.. the scabs and rashes has cleared! and scratching much, much, much less now... when I do scratch my legs, I try to just use my palms and not with my nails... the scars are healing well and I dont want to make a mess of it again! :)
Besides thinking about the health of my skin, my time is also taken by the preparation of my sons wedding, this Sunday.. we've still got a lot to do... the boiling of 100 eggs for the bunga pahar, packing of the goody bags, finalisation of the guest lists (this is the most tricky one! heheh) , make sure the caterer we got is a genuine one and not a conman... making the house looks great for close relative to visit.... and make sure that the event hall is even ready for the wedding plamin! I hope everything will turn out fine... pls pray for me ya..!! and I hope I could paste some wedding pics here later... just to make this blog more colorful!! heheheh
Besides thinking about the health of my skin, my time is also taken by the preparation of my sons wedding, this Sunday.. we've still got a lot to do... the boiling of 100 eggs for the bunga pahar, packing of the goody bags, finalisation of the guest lists (this is the most tricky one! heheh) , make sure the caterer we got is a genuine one and not a conman... making the house looks great for close relative to visit.... and make sure that the event hall is even ready for the wedding plamin! I hope everything will turn out fine... pls pray for me ya..!! and I hope I could paste some wedding pics here later... just to make this blog more colorful!! heheheh
Monday, September 21, 2009
2nd Day of Hari Raya
Today my family and I went to visit my elder brother in Seremban. Had late lunch over they and went back to Shah Alam at 5pm. After leaving my grandmother, daughter and maid at home, we went to my brother in laws house in Rawang.. Came back at 11.30pm after a visit at Giant to buy titbits and drinks for our trip to Penang tomorrow.. As soon as I came home, I quickly packed our bags and was busy packing until 3am... My hubby said I better not go to sleep tonite coz we're gonna start the journey early tomorow morning (I am a late sleeper and very late waker.. hahahah... difficult to go to sleep and difficult to get up in the morning! :D ) looks like I'm gonna have to sleep in the car during the loooong journey tomorrow...
Anyway, I felt good today because I didnt miss my Olivenol dose... hehehe... what to do... old people like that la... important daily medicines also can sometime forgot to take... :)
Well... I wont be updating my blog during the 5 days holiday in Penang.. Insyallah, I will be jotting the blog again next Saturday.
Anyway, I felt good today because I didnt miss my Olivenol dose... hehehe... what to do... old people like that la... important daily medicines also can sometime forgot to take... :)
Well... I wont be updating my blog during the 5 days holiday in Penang.. Insyallah, I will be jotting the blog again next Saturday.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Datang Lagi!!
Today is the first day of the Eidil Fitri.. Since morning I've been busy at the kitchen. Even though my maid is quite helpful, but those instructions I gave her last nite was too much for her to consume... I asked her to blend two types of conconctions, but instead she combined the two into one!! I was quite mad at her, but since I was expecting some guests to visit any moment, so I just let it go and in end the end, it was quite a success..
Since I was busy the whole day, I forgot to take the medications that I'm supposed to take.. most importantly the Olivenol liquid... I wouldn't want miss my dose and having to risk the chance of curing my eczema so... right after the crowds was dispersed, I quickly went up to my room to take today's first dose... aiyai yai yai... as soon as was in the aircond room, skin I started to feel the tightness and itchness... was trying very hard not to scratch, and instead I tapped and slapped my legs (at the blisters) hoping to numb the itch, but... lo and behold! I noticed that the blisters and small wounds are healing and they're getting smaller... !! At least something is working right here... :)
Since I was busy the whole day, I forgot to take the medications that I'm supposed to take.. most importantly the Olivenol liquid... I wouldn't want miss my dose and having to risk the chance of curing my eczema so... right after the crowds was dispersed, I quickly went up to my room to take today's first dose... aiyai yai yai... as soon as was in the aircond room, skin I started to feel the tightness and itchness... was trying very hard not to scratch, and instead I tapped and slapped my legs (at the blisters) hoping to numb the itch, but... lo and behold! I noticed that the blisters and small wounds are healing and they're getting smaller... !! At least something is working right here... :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Six Ways To Treat Eczema Naturally
Oh yes, I found this article from Dr Weils website... Nothing new I noticed.. But for you guys who are not aware about this, here's the excerpt:
"If you suffer from red, scaly, dry patches of skin that are extremely itchy, you may have eczema. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is an allergy-related skin condition common in young adults, children and infants. Simple measures can often help to minimize symptoms and provide relief. Instead of turning to the topical steroids often prescribed for eczema, which I believe suppress the problem and may worsen it over time, try the six suggestions below and see if they work for you.
1. Eliminate cows' milk and all cows' milk products from your diet, as well as foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (often found in snack foods and baked goods) and trans-fatty acids (margarine, vegetable shortening).
2. Take 500 milligrams of black currant oil or evening primrose oil twice a day (half that dose for children younger than 12). These are sources of gamma-linolenic aid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid that promotes healthy growth of skin, hair and nails. You should begin to notice positive changes in six to eight weeks.
3. Apply aloe vera gel (from a fresh plant or buy lotions or moisturizers containing aloe) or calendula cream to the affected areas of your arm.
4. Experiment with lotions and salves containing chaparral (Larrea divaricata), a desert plant used topically in Mexican folk medicine for skin conditions.
5. Bathe or shower as quickly as possible, and use a non-perfumed moisturizing soap. Apply a thick moisturizing cream immediately after patting yourself dry - don't rub your skin when you towel dry your body.
6. Practice visualization and hypnotherapy. They can have a significant positive impact on allergy-related skin conditions. And try to relax - stress can make the condition worse. Explore relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga".
Personal comments: I've tried all the above suggestions (except for no. 3 & 4), but it doestn' work on me :(
"If you suffer from red, scaly, dry patches of skin that are extremely itchy, you may have eczema. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is an allergy-related skin condition common in young adults, children and infants. Simple measures can often help to minimize symptoms and provide relief. Instead of turning to the topical steroids often prescribed for eczema, which I believe suppress the problem and may worsen it over time, try the six suggestions below and see if they work for you.
1. Eliminate cows' milk and all cows' milk products from your diet, as well as foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (often found in snack foods and baked goods) and trans-fatty acids (margarine, vegetable shortening).
2. Take 500 milligrams of black currant oil or evening primrose oil twice a day (half that dose for children younger than 12). These are sources of gamma-linolenic aid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid that promotes healthy growth of skin, hair and nails. You should begin to notice positive changes in six to eight weeks.
3. Apply aloe vera gel (from a fresh plant or buy lotions or moisturizers containing aloe) or calendula cream to the affected areas of your arm.
4. Experiment with lotions and salves containing chaparral (Larrea divaricata), a desert plant used topically in Mexican folk medicine for skin conditions.
5. Bathe or shower as quickly as possible, and use a non-perfumed moisturizing soap. Apply a thick moisturizing cream immediately after patting yourself dry - don't rub your skin when you towel dry your body.
6. Practice visualization and hypnotherapy. They can have a significant positive impact on allergy-related skin conditions. And try to relax - stress can make the condition worse. Explore relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga".
Personal comments: I've tried all the above suggestions (except for no. 3 & 4), but it doestn' work on me :(
Saturday... 8th day
As I've planned yesterday, I went to the dermatologist this afternoon. One look at the blisters he said I really needed the injections... steroid ones, what else... what can I say? This is one of the worst flare ups that I've experienced.. I tried to hold or avoid the steroids (injections) for 2 years, but as they say... the 'spirit is willing but the body is weak'... I wish I could say, "no thanks doc, I want my body to be free from steroids", but this time I can't. I'm really suffering here.. I just needed the pain to go away!
As previously experienced, the positive effect can only be seen and felt in a weeks time.. So, meanwhile, I'll just take the antibiotics, and, not forgetting, my 2ml twice daily Olivenol Livin liquid. I just hope that my orthopaedics docs wont scold me for taking the injections!!
As soon as I got back from the clinic, I was really busy preparing for the raya festivals tomorrow. Tomorrow I gonna prepare Nasi Beriani, Ayam Beriani, Dalca etc... But tonite, I have to get ready the rendangs and the peanut sauce for the ketupat... busy! busy!!
As previously experienced, the positive effect can only be seen and felt in a weeks time.. So, meanwhile, I'll just take the antibiotics, and, not forgetting, my 2ml twice daily Olivenol Livin liquid. I just hope that my orthopaedics docs wont scold me for taking the injections!!
As soon as I got back from the clinic, I was really busy preparing for the raya festivals tomorrow. Tomorrow I gonna prepare Nasi Beriani, Ayam Beriani, Dalca etc... But tonite, I have to get ready the rendangs and the peanut sauce for the ketupat... busy! busy!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Seventh Day
The battle to be free from the pain is not in sight right now... I think its too inflamed, it must have got infected already.. I cant sit still or bend my body without feeling the pulling and burning pain from the skin on my butt and hips area.. To ease the pain, I took tramadol, which helped a bit. At night I took another capsule of tramadol so that I can at least turn and twist in my bed without getting 'burned'.. The pain has won and the itch is lagging behind somewhere... waiting for the pain to go... and then, the itch will strike back!! so... I need to see the Dermatologist tomorrow, I have to. Just to make my life easier and comfortable. Otherwise I am just not myself, I cant smile properly, I can sit and walk properly... My smile is somewhat twitching... in pain... I'll request for a short antibiotic course and some ointments... hopefull this will cover while I'm on hari raya holidays...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday... the 6th day.
The skin around my back from the neck, arm, lower back, but... are full with rashes and blisters.. Its even painful to sit and walk... it'll stretched to the max and create cracks that give out little blood and the pain.. oh yes, the pain... The peeling of the scalling too is a nuisancce... making my bed a mess! I cant even let my hubby touch my body coz its so sensitive, and inflammed.. I am taking the painkiller Tramadol to numb the burning shooting pain for a while... Not much difference from yesterday,,,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Fifth Day
Today is just like another day.. Right after I woke up, I could feel my skin warming up and getting itchy... Tried my best not to touch it but somehow the itch wins, and as usual, I feel very guilty and regretted as I had to endure the burning pain after the scratch.. I closed my eyes and tried very hard not to scream... oh god, pls help me.. pls release from this pain...!
At sahur, I take my olivenol dose and I only slept after 6am (I am also a chronic insomniac). My grandmother calls me "owl" because I sleep thru the day, and awake at night. Sometimes, at night, I do feel like I can sleep earlier, but the itch just would'nt allow it.
I woke up at 4pm and did nothing else but watched tv. During the breaking of fast, I again take my 2ml dose of Olivenol.. There wasn't any difference to the condition of the skin on my body, in fact the skin on my back feels quite tight like it was realy, really dry, and this caused pain too.. the blisters on my legs are still the same.. no changes.. still itch intensely, still bleeds and still oozes...
But the positive side I notice today is that the skin on my face has improved! the peeling and scalling has reduced and it wasn't oozing anymore. When I applied my makeup too, the skin peeling on the forehead was not noticeable.. yeah...! I feel so happy and a little bit motivated by this development, and treated myself to a shopping spree at Mydin as a reward! hehehhe....
At sahur, I take my olivenol dose and I only slept after 6am (I am also a chronic insomniac). My grandmother calls me "owl" because I sleep thru the day, and awake at night. Sometimes, at night, I do feel like I can sleep earlier, but the itch just would'nt allow it.
I woke up at 4pm and did nothing else but watched tv. During the breaking of fast, I again take my 2ml dose of Olivenol.. There wasn't any difference to the condition of the skin on my body, in fact the skin on my back feels quite tight like it was realy, really dry, and this caused pain too.. the blisters on my legs are still the same.. no changes.. still itch intensely, still bleeds and still oozes...
But the positive side I notice today is that the skin on my face has improved! the peeling and scalling has reduced and it wasn't oozing anymore. When I applied my makeup too, the skin peeling on the forehead was not noticeable.. yeah...! I feel so happy and a little bit motivated by this development, and treated myself to a shopping spree at Mydin as a reward! hehehhe....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Forth Day....
Today, at sahur, I took a dose of 2ml of the liquid. I mixed it with my milo but I can still recognise the bitter sour taste on my tongue. It is still very itchy.. cant control my fingers from touching the blisters or peeling the scales... it felt sooo heavenly good to scratched and scratched. Even better than an orgasm, sometimes! hahahah.... I only stopped scratching when it bleeds of when I starts to feel the stinging pain. The skin feels like burning and warm to the touch... my body will be so warm and the itch usually will spread to the other parts of the body... then I would regret and hated myself for scrathing again and again.. and when it itches again, I will repeat what I did earlier.... oh! such a vicious cyle! such a bad habit, I know! well... who could blame me? I've had this since I was 2 years old! However, today I noticed something.... despite having the itch, the blisters didnt turn black or have thick scales on it anymore.. It looks like the wounds are healing... oh! oh! this could be it.... Or am I hoping to soon??
Healing Crisis??


I started on the Olivenol Begins liquid form on Sunday, 13 September 2009 at 8.30pm. The second doze was at Sahur time, around 5.30 am.. I trying to detect any changes or intensity of the itch that day... so far so good. The itch is bearable.. The third day however was a little bit more itchier that the day before.. so to ease the itch, I took 1 Atarax tablet, once during sahur and 1 after iftar. . The itch has reduce a bit but the blisters looked like they are not swollen and angry anymore, not like before..
Olivenol Livin' Begins
By now, my face was affected by the eczema. The skin on my forehead and chin area are so dry and peeling. I no longer have the smooth skin on my face, formery the only area without the rash. I was depressed. Tried a few creams and lotions, but it didnt give any help. I was getting desperate. Making up my face was so troublesome as I had to really make sure that the scalling doesnt show. It was an impossible task. I looked like an old woman.
Somehow, last month, I found the Facebook website. And in there, I found the Olivenol Triniaire page. Quickly I signed up as their fan. I got excited from reading about the wonderful things that Olivenol could do. I begged by hubby to buy them even though it was quite costly. I had high hopes for this remedy.
The Healing Crisis?
The second day after taking the capsules (two capsules twice a day), I had an intense itch. I continued taking it even though the intense itch was making me crazy.. My fingers were numbed from scrathing. I would be awake at 3pm and started scrathing till the upper most skin is peeled off. Blood oozing from the scrathes dirtied my bed linen in no time. Previously only on my forehad and my legs, now it has spread to the other parts of the body. The more I scratch, the warmer I feel and had to decrease the aircon unit to the max! I didnt tell my hubby about this, coz I was scared that he might scold me (as I was the one who asked him to buy the product in the first place). I wonder if this is a healing crisis, and how long I have to endure this...huhuhu..... god please help!! The skin has flared up already..!
Godsent Gift
Finally, I wrote a note to the distributor and asked whether this was part of a healing crises?? however, they say that it was too early for me to withdraw from the therapy and advised me to continue taking it. They were so committed to help me that they even sent me 2 bottles of the liquid form. I was so grateful to them, and had tears in my eyes when I read their messages. Thank you allah, Thank you for opening up their hearts to help me get better....
Somehow, last month, I found the Facebook website. And in there, I found the Olivenol Triniaire page. Quickly I signed up as their fan. I got excited from reading about the wonderful things that Olivenol could do. I begged by hubby to buy them even though it was quite costly. I had high hopes for this remedy.
The Healing Crisis?
The second day after taking the capsules (two capsules twice a day), I had an intense itch. I continued taking it even though the intense itch was making me crazy.. My fingers were numbed from scrathing. I would be awake at 3pm and started scrathing till the upper most skin is peeled off. Blood oozing from the scrathes dirtied my bed linen in no time. Previously only on my forehad and my legs, now it has spread to the other parts of the body. The more I scratch, the warmer I feel and had to decrease the aircon unit to the max! I didnt tell my hubby about this, coz I was scared that he might scold me (as I was the one who asked him to buy the product in the first place). I wonder if this is a healing crisis, and how long I have to endure this...huhuhu..... god please help!! The skin has flared up already..!
Godsent Gift
Finally, I wrote a note to the distributor and asked whether this was part of a healing crises?? however, they say that it was too early for me to withdraw from the therapy and advised me to continue taking it. They were so committed to help me that they even sent me 2 bottles of the liquid form. I was so grateful to them, and had tears in my eyes when I read their messages. Thank you allah, Thank you for opening up their hearts to help me get better....
Photo Therapy
I had lost faith in my private skin specialist. So I made an appointment to see the specialist in a government hospital. After a few visits, they suggested me to go for phototherapy as my condition was quite severe. I searched in the internet for treatments using phototherapy and it sounds promising. Phototherapy exposes a patient to ultraviolet (UV) light for a controlled amount of time. I was full of hopes and dreamt this will be the miracle cure I've been searching all my life. After all, I have nothing to loose.
I was on the treatment for a few weeks (3 times weekly). Right after the first exposure, my skin became so inflamed. But I stayed on, for another month hoping that it will cure my eczema. My hopes were dashed .... It had worsen my condition. When I was in Bandung for a holiday (3rd week into the treament), my skin was really in a flareup. The bedsheets in the hotel room was dirtied by my blood. I scrathed will be bled so bad.. As soon as I got back, I went straight to the doctor and had them cancelled my phototherapy session. So there goes my hopes....
I was on the treatment for a few weeks (3 times weekly). Right after the first exposure, my skin became so inflamed. But I stayed on, for another month hoping that it will cure my eczema. My hopes were dashed .... It had worsen my condition. When I was in Bandung for a holiday (3rd week into the treament), my skin was really in a flareup. The bedsheets in the hotel room was dirtied by my blood. I scrathed will be bled so bad.. As soon as I got back, I went straight to the doctor and had them cancelled my phototherapy session. So there goes my hopes....
The History
Since I was a small child, I remember my grandparents used to take me to see faith healers of all sorts... they made me bathe in eggs, bathe with flowery water, drink urine (??), and etc, etc.. of course, none work, otherwise I would'nt be writing about this. But they sympathised with me and just couldnt sit still watching me in pain. Everytime I bathe, I used to cry because the stinging pain was so unbearable. It was oozing with liquid and when it dries up, it will be so dry and scalling and when I walked, it will cracked and bled. This usually happens after an episode with an asthma attack. But since this blog is about eczema, so I wont talk about asthma.
When I was schooling, I used to be so embarrased when I had to wear shorts for physical exercise (PE). My classmates would gauked at the blisters behind my knees and they would be laughing. To avoid doing PE, I had my grandmother wrote a letter to my class teacher telling her that I had to be excused from PE as advised by my doctor, as it would aggravate my asthma! it was a brilliant idea, because since then on, my teacher would asked me to wait in the classroom while the other students where doing their PE lessons.
The Treatments...
My first experience with steroid was when I was in Standard six. The good doctor prescribed Nerisone cream and after the first application, it stopped the inflammation and itch. What a miracle! I told myself. For the first time, my skin look great and was so smooth like a baby's bottom! I was on it for a few years but later on my skin became immune to it. The battle has started again....
From then on, I was on every type of steroid cream in the market. I also switched a few skin specialist along the way.. At one time, I visited Dr Ting in Jln Imbi and he had injected Kenacort (I believe) to each blisters. It worked wonderfully! The rashes and blisters were healed in one week.. I was so happy and thought that I was cured, finally... but then, two years later.. suddenly, probably after an allergic reaction to food (it must be prawns), I had another flare up...
I changed another specialist, this time I visited a colleague of Dr Ting, Dr Koh in PJ. He injected me on another steroid, but this time not on the blisters but on the buttock. This too worked fine for another three years, but as time goes by, the reaction were reduced. By this time, I noticed that I had knee pains and climbing staircase was hell! At the orthopedics, after an xray, they found out that I have osteoarthritis.. According to them, prolong use of steroid were the culprit that had cause this (OA). Well, now the steroids injection had to be stopped immediately... that was in early 2008. And since then, I am on a lookout for other treatments or medicine for my eczema.. The search has started...
When I was schooling, I used to be so embarrased when I had to wear shorts for physical exercise (PE). My classmates would gauked at the blisters behind my knees and they would be laughing. To avoid doing PE, I had my grandmother wrote a letter to my class teacher telling her that I had to be excused from PE as advised by my doctor, as it would aggravate my asthma! it was a brilliant idea, because since then on, my teacher would asked me to wait in the classroom while the other students where doing their PE lessons.
The Treatments...
My first experience with steroid was when I was in Standard six. The good doctor prescribed Nerisone cream and after the first application, it stopped the inflammation and itch. What a miracle! I told myself. For the first time, my skin look great and was so smooth like a baby's bottom! I was on it for a few years but later on my skin became immune to it. The battle has started again....
From then on, I was on every type of steroid cream in the market. I also switched a few skin specialist along the way.. At one time, I visited Dr Ting in Jln Imbi and he had injected Kenacort (I believe) to each blisters. It worked wonderfully! The rashes and blisters were healed in one week.. I was so happy and thought that I was cured, finally... but then, two years later.. suddenly, probably after an allergic reaction to food (it must be prawns), I had another flare up...
I changed another specialist, this time I visited a colleague of Dr Ting, Dr Koh in PJ. He injected me on another steroid, but this time not on the blisters but on the buttock. This too worked fine for another three years, but as time goes by, the reaction were reduced. By this time, I noticed that I had knee pains and climbing staircase was hell! At the orthopedics, after an xray, they found out that I have osteoarthritis.. According to them, prolong use of steroid were the culprit that had cause this (OA). Well, now the steroids injection had to be stopped immediately... that was in early 2008. And since then, I am on a lookout for other treatments or medicine for my eczema.. The search has started...
Monday, September 14, 2009
About Me..
Just call me Liza Z.. As stated above in the summary, I have suffered asthma and eczema since I was two.. though asthma can be life threathening, I have always felf that eczema is the one condition that make me suffers the most.
I thought I had finally found the "miracle cure" and was elated but totally unaware of the danger of cortisone (steroids). I continued to take this medication for 10 years to keep the eczema in check, not realizing that in the process the cortisone's nasty side effects was destroying my immune system and was affecting my joints, basically the knee and the pelvic joint. I now have also been diagnosed as having Osteoarthritis.
Treatments that are recommended by doctors and pharmaceutical companies worldwide amounts to futile attempts at mere symptom treatment instead of the trying to address the root causes of the condition. There are various creams, ointments, and UV light treatments but none of them appear to have any lasting effects on the vast majority of sufferers, and many of the remedies cause undesirable side effects.
I now am sure that modern medicines will not cure me of eczema, but instead will only give temporary relief.. I strongly believe, that any illness or diseases have a cure to it, as what the quran says "any illness has its cure, only death will not"... Though it sound impossible, I am now on the journey to finding the cure....
I thought I had finally found the "miracle cure" and was elated but totally unaware of the danger of cortisone (steroids). I continued to take this medication for 10 years to keep the eczema in check, not realizing that in the process the cortisone's nasty side effects was destroying my immune system and was affecting my joints, basically the knee and the pelvic joint. I now have also been diagnosed as having Osteoarthritis.
Treatments that are recommended by doctors and pharmaceutical companies worldwide amounts to futile attempts at mere symptom treatment instead of the trying to address the root causes of the condition. There are various creams, ointments, and UV light treatments but none of them appear to have any lasting effects on the vast majority of sufferers, and many of the remedies cause undesirable side effects.
I now am sure that modern medicines will not cure me of eczema, but instead will only give temporary relief.. I strongly believe, that any illness or diseases have a cure to it, as what the quran says "any illness has its cure, only death will not"... Though it sound impossible, I am now on the journey to finding the cure....
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