The battle to be free from the pain is not in sight right now... I think its too inflamed, it must have got infected already.. I cant sit still or bend my body without feeling the pulling and burning pain from the skin on my butt and hips area.. To ease the pain, I took tramadol, which helped a bit. At night I took another capsule of tramadol so that I can at least turn and twist in my bed without getting 'burned'.. The pain has won and the itch is lagging behind somewhere... waiting for the pain to go... and then, the itch will strike back!! so... I need to see the Dermatologist tomorrow, I have to. Just to make my life easier and comfortable. Otherwise I am just not myself, I cant smile properly, I can sit and walk properly... My smile is somewhat twitching... in pain... I'll request for a short antibiotic course and some ointments... hopefull this will cover while I'm on hari raya holidays...