Monday, May 3, 2010

Its a New Yea! 2010!!

Salam and greetings everybody! it's been a while since I wrote in here... was quite moody... and lazy to use the pc.. and with the warm weather now.. it's such a daunting task to overcome.. well, here I am now... hopefully I'll be writing again as often as I can...

One good thing that has happened so far, is, my skin is not that bad now... and... new surprises.... on 29th December 2009, I had a sleeve gastrectomy done! stayed 11/2 weeks at the hospital and was discharged on the second week. It was hell the first few months! I couldn't keep my food and drinks.. even taking a bubur (or soup) would had me vomit! I felt tired all the time.. and all the time I was thinking about food! what did they say about not feeling hungry when they cut out that part of your stomach? Its pure rubbish! I wonder how could I go on like this? huhuhuhu... but one thing for sure.. It wasnt regret that I felt.. I know this is for my own health... better take care of it now, before its too late...