Saturday, September 29, 2012

Current Wellbeing

Hi all..

Its been quite a while since I post an update... Has been busy with my online shop and also, my skin conditions has improved quite markedly...until recently... huhuhuhu,,,

My skin has flared up since 2 weeks ago... it started with a few scratches, then next morning i noticed my arms and legs were bleeding from the noctural itch.. since then, it became worst.. just a little scratch, it will bleed till about 30secs.. takes a physical and emotional toll because it can be painful and physically unattractive, causing skin redness, swelling, cracking, weeping, and scaling. I'm trying to figure out what could have caused it... hmm... my diet was still the same... my meds is also the same.. Haaa.... could it be that I've been taking Adaxil      ( glucosamine + chondroitin) powder (for my knee osteoarthritis) since 2 weeks ago??  i checked the Adaxil box... yes.. no wonder.. it contain shellfish (glucosamine) and extract of sharks (chondroitin).. huhuhuh....   How la... :(    My family and i are planning to go to Singapore to the Universal Studio in November... and i need  good knees to enjoy my time there as I need to walk alot.. that's why i started taking the Adaxil...  hmmm... dilema, dilema... if i take the Adaxil, I can probably have happy knees, but at the same time my skin condition will be worst.. If I dont take Adaxil, knees will hurt like crazy when walking, but my skin will be happy... waaaahhhh!!!    Need to get my priority straight...  hmmmm..

Even when i am typing now.. i will stop intermittently to scratch my arms and legs... and its bleeding also...  I've been also taking my anti histamines tablets :  atarax, piriton, loratadine, promethazine, ketotifen., zyrtec.. even jabbing myself with promethazine injections when they became really name it.. I have tried everything, but I'm still scraching like crazy.. I've finished my Egyptian Magic Cream as I've been applying it every 30mins or so.. I try not to visit the good doctor just yet.. If i see him, sure he will give me the steroid jabs again.. and this year my new resolution is to try and lessen the steroid jabs... I want to try to go au naturel... hehehhe.... not very sure whether i can succeed doing that.. but i promise myself that i will try..!  :)

Yesterday I was informed  by Farah about the NAAE meeting at the MidValley Exhibition Hall.. Moogoo is having a booth for 2 days and also they will give a Scalp Cream for free when you purchased any item or any amount.. So I said to myself.. since my Egyptian Magic Cream has finished, ..why not? lets try this time.. who know's.. with the right cream and the correct routine, probably it (the skin) will be less angry and inflamed... and probably a permanent solution.. who knows??..

So, armed with my Finance Director (who else but Mr Hubby!), we went to the MidValley.. and after being persuaded by the sales team, I managed to grab Moogoo's 'Starter Pack for Itchy & Sensitive Skin' (special price after less RM15 = RM174). and a free Scalp Cream 250ml (worth RN89)!! Yeay!!
Let me tell you what it contains:   1.  Irritable Skin Balm (ISB), Milky Wash, MSM Soothing Cream and Udder Cream. then Scalp Cream is the bonus,  You're supposed to wash your body (the affected area) with the Milky Wash, then apply the ISB first on the inflamed area, then the MSM Soothing Cream, and lastly for more soft, supple and moisturised skin, apply Udder Cream.  

Here's the photo:

           From Left:   ISB, Milky Wash, Udder Cream & MSM Cream or Soothing Cream

                                                This is the Scalp Cream... marvelous!!

Right after i reached home, i changed into my kaftans and immediately reached for the ISB first...and applied to the reddish mark on my arms.. (its became itchy just after I ate yong tau foo for lunch today)..  and the scalp cream i applied on my forehead and hairline areas... hmmm nice cool stinging feeling.. so far so good... it immediately soothe the inflammation!  I am impressed!...but i dont know for how long it will help coz this is a natural product and it doesnt have any steroid in it.. surely the effect dont last long.. I was right, i have to reapply ever 15minutes or so to keep the itch away.... but the key is is"persistent"... yes.. that one i have to change... must motivate myself to be more 'persistent'!! hahhaha..  

Let me tell you what I've been up too since my last post... I've been very interested in anti ageing.. So, I bought myself some Vitamin C injections, some skin whitening injections, and placenta injections for anti ageing... I figured all this might help to a certain extent with my skin conditions.. And yes... I am proud to report  that the treatment with all the vitamins injections does help in conserving the moisture of the skin and also making making them less sensitive and fragile.. I can see a marked difference in the quality of my skin texture,.. they are more robust, less wrinkle, less drying and helps me with my antibody also... for the last 3 months I'm using the injections, I've never been sick more than a day or 2.. and even that it wasn't as severe like the previous years...
Before trying Moogoo.. I've been using this wonderful cream from Australia called "Emu Oil Cream".. Not bad really... It doesnt stings your skins and it moisturizes very well too.. and cheap too @ RM25 for 250 gm. It is being sold in Metro shopping complex.. check the big ones.. MidValley, and maybe Parkson. .  here's the picture:

ok... that's it for now... I'll see and wait for the next 2 weeks without the sterioud cream, and just the natural goodness of Moogoo... hope it works on this hardcore steroid user.. hehehehe... stay tune!

p/s  sorry for any typing error... already sleepy... now 4.06 in the morning... zzzzz... good nitey nite!!